Water Conditioning, Inc. can improve the efficiency and prolong the
service life of your cooling and molding equipment by conditioning the
water to control scale, corrosion, and fouling of the heat exchange
surfaces. Special attention is given to controlling corrosion and fouling
of the ejection molds to improve production, prevent rejects and down
time of equipment. The uniqueness of plastic injection processes requires
a special breed of treatment programs. Water Conditioning, Inc. has
the experience and technical ability to provide this specialized program
to your industry. We can customize the treatment to meet high temperatures,
different metallurgies, and plant conditions. In doing this, we can
help the plant be more productive, have a better quality product, and
fewer rejects in the production process. The plastic industry must incorporate
many different types of systems to accomplish all their needs. We, in
the water treatment industry, must be able to deal with and provide
adequate formulations that can meet these needs in any type system and
condition. Water Conditioning, Inc.'s partnership with any plastic plant
can be an asset to that facility.